Poor Immune System Function
Your immune system is made up of various cells and organs that help your body stay well, and protect it from outside assaults, including various pathogens and toxins. |
Common Symptoms & Causes of Immune System Problems
Do you know someone who never seems to get sick? Well, if that person is in poor health overall, that actually could be a bad sign, that their immune system is so bad off they their body cannot even muster up the energy to show symptoms for the common cold. However, for those in robust health who never get sick, they often were just born with a good constitution, and that’s why they rarely get sick. But for the rest of us, diet and supplements can be a big help, as well as avoiding certain things. Some things to avoid, if you want to boost your immune function, include:
Did you know that studies have shown that your immune system can get depressed and remain depressed for up to 5 hours after ingesting white sugar? Yes, sugar can reduce your body’s production of white blood cells and antibodies, which are key agents in your immmune system’s arsenal. This means that if you (or your kids) eat sugar at each meal, like many do, you (or they) will have a depressed immune system all day long! Also many people don’t know this, but if you are exposed to pollution, your body has to work hard to get those toxins out of your body, and this means for most people that your body cannot work as hard fighting off germs and pathogens. In addition, heavy metals like mercury are known immune system depressors. *Of course, if you and your doctor have determined you need these drugs, we are not suggesting you stop. That should of course be betwee you and your doctor. However, with a stronger immune system, you may not need them as much in the future. |
Whey Protein Powder and Immune Health
Dr. Gustavo Bounous, Surgeon and Research Scientist at McGill University in Montreal, and his colleages, have found many benefits to undenatured whey protein: It boosts glutathione and hence immune health, and has been shown to have anticancer activity. They found whey protein was useful to HIV positive people and helped them to gain weight and to boost glutathione levels (but they used biologically active, undenatured whey). In another study with mice, they found that undenatured whey protein concentrate helped the mice to resist disease better, live longer and better resist cancer. In fact, scientists have known about whey protein and the benefits of glutathione for over a hundred years. They know it is a master antioxidant that helps the immune system function better and and also the detoxification system work better. This can be extremely useful in today’s world, where we are exposed to many chemicals, toxins and much pollution. Many leading alternative health practitioners recommend undenatured whey protein for immune system health and preventative medicine against many chronic, long-term, aging-related diseases*. |
Immune Health, Vitamins & Supplements
Vitamin A, C, D and E all seem to be important in boosting immune function (and 3 of these, A, D and E, are fat soluble, and if you don’t get enough fat in your diet, you won’t be getting enough of these vitamins either, unless you supplement). We’ve been hearing a lot about Vitamin D levels and immune function lately in the news, but just know that one study showed it took a while - 2 months - of having normal levels of Vitamin D before significant immune function increase was seen. That sounds like with a lot of natural supplements - sometimes it can take some time to see results. That’s a reason to give supplements some time to work. Vitamin E seems to increase levels of key infection fighters in the body: interleukin and interferon, and Vitamin C helps your white blood cells function better. Selenium and zinc are two minerals that are very important for your immune system health, and having enough probiotics in your gut is also important*. Try to eat a farm-fresh, organic, whole foods diet as much as possible, and if you feel you need more, here are some supplements that can help boost immune function*: Recommended Vitamins & Nutritional Supplements*
Boost Immune Function With Good Foods and More*
Also, regular exercise has been shown to boost immune system function. Eliminate or lower prescription and non-prescription drugs if possible, including cigarettes, and also other toxins. Whey protein powder can boost glutathione production, and higher levels of glutathione have been shown to help your body detoxify better, so if you need to take drugs, or know you are being exposed to other toxins, say at a work place, it may be even more beneficial for you to add a high quality whey protein powder to your supplement regime*. |
* This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Healthy Whey Protein and
FDA Disclaimer: None of the statements on this website have been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. Furthermore, none of the statements on this website should be construed as making claims about curing diseases or dispensing medical advice. Please consult a physician or another health care provider before trying any nutritional supplement, making changes in your diet, or doing new exercises, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing medical conditions or injuries. |
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