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Cultured Vegetables
Natural Vitamin C, Enzymes, Probiotics and more


Many years ago, people traditionally ate lacto-fermented foods like sauerkraut and kim-chi with every meal.  Many of these foods can still be found on our tables, but they are no longer fermented the old fashioned way, and are often pasteurized, which kills the good bacteria along with the bad, and also reduces the vitamin content, especially the vitamin C.  Salsa, ketchup, mustard, sauerkraut, jams and other condiments were all lacto-fermented originally.  This preserved many of the nutrients, especially vitamins, and provided good bacteria (pro-biotics) and enzymes to help with digestion and proper assimilation of nutrients.  In fact, the process of culturing vegetables increases the vitamin content a considerable amount, especially the vitamin C content of the cabbage.

Now our condiments are full of sugar and and devoid of vitamins.  Sauerkraut is usually made with vinegar instead of the lactic acid that provides these vital nutrients, and the vitamin C content is much lower.   Traditional, fermented sauerkraut and some other cultured vegetables can also be found in most health food stores, however, it is much less expensive to make it at home if you have the time and the inclination.  If you do buy cultured vegetables in the store, make sure that they have NOT been heated or pasteurized, which destroys the good bacteria, the enzymes, and much of the vitamins like vitamin C. 

Organic Cultured Vegetables Have More Vitamin C and Other Nutrients

Cultured vegetables, that powerhouse of vitamins, enzymes & probiotics, and especially vitamin C, are not really hard to make, and if you make them in large enough quantities, they will last a long time, as they are just made to be eaten as condiments – 1 or 2 tablespoons with each meal.  Use of organic vegetables is important, as they tend to have more nutrients, including various vitamins and minerals, and often times the non-organic vegetable don’t have enough nutrients to culture well, and they putrify instead.  Your vegetables, once cultured, will have a greatly increased vitamin and enzyme content.   Even sailors used sauerkraut on long voyages for vitamin C so they could avoid getting scurvy.

Little spots of white foam that form are not harmful, and can just be skimmed and tossed out.  The occasional batch of cultured vegetables that goes bad will smell so awful, you would never want to eat it.  A couple other tips for successful culturing:  1)  make sure and leave at least 1 inch of room at the top of the jar as the vegetables and their juices will expand slightly during the fermentation process,  2)  Close the lids tightly as the introduction of oxygen during the lacto-fermentation process will ruin your veges.

Spicy Pink Cultured Veges
Full of Vitamin C & enzymes

1 medium organic green cabbage
2 medium organic red cabbages
4 cups shredded organic carrots
1 tablespoon minced organic ginger
5-7 medium cloves of organic garlic
2 tablespoons grey sea salt
� cup whey *

*  Whey can be made by pouring yogurt into a towel-lined strainer and letting the whey drip out into a bowl underneath for several hours.  The remaining “yogurt cheese” can be used like you use cream cheese.  You can also use 1 packet of Body Ecology’s Culture Starter instead of the whey.

Shred the cabbage in a food processor, saving several outside leaves of the cabbage.  Take out several cups and combine a blender with enough water to make a thick “brine.”  Put this brine back in the bowl with the rest of the shredded cabbage and add the carrots, ginger, garlic, salt and whey and mix well.  Place in a 1 gallon glass jar (or split into 4 quart-size mason jars and push the cabbage down below the level of the brine (add filtered water if necessary), leaving at least 1 “ of space at the top of the jar.  Fold and put the cabbage leaves on top, and let sit out at room temperature for about 3 days.  Then put in your vitamin C rich cultured vegetables in the refrigerator to keep. 


Kimchi (Korean Sauerkraut)
Spicy Vitamin C Rich Recipe


This is the traditional Kimchi, used with most meals in Korea.  It’s delicious, especially if you like your food spicy – and those spices will rev up your internal thermometer, which can help you lose weight. 

1 large head organic Napa cabbage
2 cups grated organic carrots
1 – 2 bunches organic green onions
1 tablespoon organic ginger
4 cloves organic garlic
� to 1 teaspoon dried chili flakes
� cup whey
2 teaspoons unrefined sea salt like Premier Pink Salt

Chop the cabbage and green onions and place all ingredients in a large bowl.  Hit for a few minutes with a wooden pounder or a meat hammer to release the juices, and then place into a � gallon glass jar or 2 quart size mason jars.  Add water if necessary to keep ingredients in liquid.  Leave at least 1 inch of space at the top of the jar, and leave at room temperature for 3-4 days before transferring your vitamin & enyzme-rich kimchi to the fridge.

Try some cultured vegetables and add some extra vitamin C to your diet today!

FDA Disclaimer:  None of the statements on this website have been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA).  They are not intended to diagnose, treat,  cure or prevent any disease or medical condition.  Furthermore, none of  the statements on this website should be construed as making claims  about curing diseases or dispensing medical advice.  Please consult a  physician or another health care provider before trying any nutritional  supplement, making changes in your diet, or doing new exercises,  especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing medical  conditions or injuries.


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