Healthy Vitamins Rx
The Right Vitamins & Minerals Can Make a Huge Difference in Your Health!Healthy Vitamins Rx
Vitamins and Nutritional Supplements
As a consumer searching for products to enhance your health, you MUST spend time finding top-notch nutritional supplements, and determining what the criteria should be for your search. We hope to help you do that with this informational website. Knowledge is power, and we hope this information will empower you to not only find better nutritional supplements, but to enhance your health and vitality. |
Synthetic Vitamins or
Vitamins, Anti-Aging & Natural SkincareAlong with using natural skincare and organic skincare products*, you can fight aging with the vitamins and supplements you consume. Find out more on our Vitamins & Your Skin Page. * Watch out! Most “natural” skincare contains many synthetic ingredients that can age your skin faster over the long run!! In fact, most skincare, whether labeled “natural” or not, contain ingredients, such as preservatives, coloring agents or fragrances that come from synthetic chemicals. Often, the “natural” line has a few truly natural ingredients along with many very unnatural chemicals. These chemicals can be toxic and are absorbed by the body via the skin as well as lungs. Even “federal and industrial scientists are concerned that some of the volatile ingredients in cosmetics may have an adverse systemic effect,” according to “A Consumer’s Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients”, by Ruth Winter, M.S. So it really pays to look for real natural skincare and organic skincare products. Our 2 Favorite Natural Skincare lines are: 1) Releve by Emerald Essentials 2) Alchemilla |
Toxic Ingredients in Vitamins |
Doesn’t that sound crazy? It did to us too. Please read on for further information on problems with many vitamins today, and how to find nutrient dense foods and supplements that will better support your health and vitality over the long term. Vitamins are Important, But So Is Reducing Toxins!Getting enough of the right kind of vitamins and minerals is really important in your diet, and that’s what this website is all about. In fact, it’s called Healthy Vitamins Rx, but did you know that without certain minerals, your body can’t even properly use some vitaimns?? But in addition, did you know that we have an increased need for many vitamins today, especially antioxidants, because of all the toxins we are exposed to? Yes, our bodies use vitamins and minerals to in the detoxification process, and if you don’t have enough, you will over time get more and more toxic, and that can cause all sorts of diseases. Vitamins in Real Food |
Vitamins and minerals are essential for good health. Did you know that if minerals are not present in the soil, the plants cannot contain them? Plants can manufacture vitamins with the right conditions, but not minerals! This is why making sure your food comes from farmers who take care of their soil and add back in not just the major minerals, like phosphorus, but also the trace minerals like selenium and zinc, is extremely important! Minerals are perhaps an even more important key to good health than vitamins are! |
FDA Disclaimer: None of the statements on this website have been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. Furthermore, none of the statements on this website should be construed as making claims about curing diseases or dispensing medical advice. Please consult a physician or another health care provider before trying any nutritional supplement, making changes in your diet, or doing new exercises, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing medical conditions or injuries. |